6 Ways to Save by Going Green at Home
There are many benefits to going green. You help the environment, protect the planet for future generations, and – let’s face it – you can save money on energy costs and a variety of other household expenses. By changing just a few habits and modifying existing products, you can realize a significant savings and protect the environment at the same time.
If you’re ready to take the leap, try out a few of these modifications to get your feet wet:
#1: Turn Off the Lights
Everyone knows to turn the lights off in a room when it is empty, but sometimes we forget. An easy fix is a light motion sensor. After the programmed time has passed with no movement detected, it will turn off the lights. This also works as a great anti-theft deterrent.
#2: Change Your Bulbs
Speaking of lights, many people still use incandescent light bulbs. Save money and energy by switching to LED bulbs. LED bulbs don’t produce heat like incandescents do and can help keep your house cooler. What a bargain in a hot season!
#3: Don’t Forget the Thermostat
Consider a timer on the thermostat. While you are at work, set it a bit warmer. No need to keep the air condition on high while at the office. You can do similar in the winter with the heat.
#4 … and the Windows
Tinted windows reduce the amount of sun (read heat!) that enters your home, which makes it easier to maintain a constant temperature throughout your home.
While working with windows, think window treatments! They are much more than decorative. In winter, trap the heat by using a heavy curtain. Think of it like putting on a heavy blanket when you’re cold. Use the opposite idea in the summer: lighter curtains to easily dissipate the heat. By pairing window treatments with tinted windows, the cost savings from maintaining a comfortable interior temperature can be enormous.
#5: Go Solar!
By adding a solar array to your property you can reduce your draw from the grid. And sunshine is totally free.
#6: Reduce Your Footprint
In summer, grow a garden and herbs to reduce your trips to the store. You’ll not only save on gas to get there, but also the cost of fruit and vegetables, as wells as grocery bags. Additionally, your community most likely has a recycling program. Brush up on items that your recycle center can accept or find new lives for old products.
Going green at home is an accumulation of small actions, paired with smart investments, which add up to big gains. A few small changes every day over time will help you achieve a greener lifestyle. For even more ideas, give me a call or send me an email.